HPSSS First Female Spotlight: Angela (Master’s in Intelligence Management)
The Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security is proud to celebrate its First Females. Angela is the first woman to earn the Master of Science in Intelligence Management from HPSSS.
What was Henley-Putnam experience like?
Initially, I was hesitant and afraid to do all of my courses online. Then, someone from Henley-Putnam called and gave me a personal welcome and some guidance. My enrollment counselor and my advisor were so helpful and friendly. Although the courses were online, each professor made themself available, outlined the course materials, and communicated clearly and respectfully when I asked questions or needed guidance. Overall, it was a very positive experience. I won’t lie, it was not easy and I had to work hard; but the entire staff and the course materials were excellent and I knew I was getting a great education from experienced professionals.
Why did you choose Henley-Putnam?
Henley-Putnam was referred to me by someone I met through deployment in the military. I knew that he had a lot of experience and knew what he was talking about, so I took his advice and checked it out. The faculty have a wealth of experience, and incomparable skills and background. I started out just getting familiar by not taking a full course load and enjoyed the ease of the online platform. I knew exactly what my learning goals were for each step through the program.
What was the Henley-Putnam faculty like?
As I said above, the faculty was amazing. I feel honored to have studied under the guidance of professionals in the intelligence management industry, who have years of experience applying the skills and technical expertise taught in class, while in the field.
How did you feel about online classes?
I was nervous and unsure that I would be able to get help if I was stuck on something or needed to ask a question. The online format and the professors made me feel comfortable early on. I preferred it because I could make my own schedule, not have to drive or even worry about how I dressed! With my previous learning experience, I had to fancy-up, deal with city traffic an hour from my home, and sit with a class of students who were several years younger than me.
What obstacles did you overcome to achieve your degree?
I had just recently returned from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and was adjusting. I had a bad fall there and once home, several surgeries and health issues, as well as more than my share of personal and family issues, that I was dealing with. Without getting too personal, I will say, that if I could do this and do well in the program, with all that I was having to cope with on a personal level, anyone can.
Is there a specific memory you have about your experience at Henley-Putnam?
What sticks with me the most are the course exercises in which we either role-played what we learned or used our imaginations to apply our new knowledge to specific projects. In one of those role-play exercises, I made a huge mistake. Making that mistake stuck with me because I learned what “not” to do! I cannot say enough about the great professors, staff, and course materials.
Interested in learning more about the intelligence management programs offered at NAU’s Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security? Click below!
Bachelor’s Program | Master’s Program | Certificates