5 Strategic Security Management Corporate Careers
There are many different career directions you can take with a degree in Strategic Security Management. Cybersecurity managers are needed to prevent thieves from hacking into your company’s network to steal trade secrets, customer information, or money. Strategic Security also protects employees while they are at work or traveling on business. And in the specialization of Intelligence Management, you would collect and analyze raw data to protect a company’s assets and personnel. Here are 5 Strategic Security Management career paths that you might want to investigate:
1. Cybersecurity
Just about every business needs to be constantly on the lookout for computer hackers. That’s one of the most important jobs of the cybersecurity professional. You test systems to identify vulnerabilities and then find ways to mitigate weaknesses. As a manager or analyst, you would use counterintelligence techniques to identify criminals who might try to break into a network to steal information or stop systems from functioning properly. In a digital forensics role, you collect, process, preserve and analyze evidence that can be found on computers, smartphones or networks.
Here are some of the jobs you could get with a degree in Strategic Security Management, specializing in Cybersecurity:
- Cyber Defense Technologist
- Digital Data Investigator
- Crime and Intelligence Analyst
- Forensic Quality and Data Analyst
- Forensic Evidence Specialist
- Data Analysis Officer
2. Protection Management
You’ve seen bodyguards with famous actors, sports professionals, and other high-profile individuals, but protection management within corporate strategic security has many more facets. In addition to protecting executives while they work or travel on business, you might work as an asset protection manager for retail stores, banks, casinos or hospitals. Here you would identify high theft areas and investigate and apprehend individuals involved in external and internal theft. Sample jobs in Protection Management include:
- Security Officer
- Executive Protective Specialist
- Asset Protection Manager
- Public Figure Protection Officer
- Loss Control Consultant
3. Intelligence Management
As an intelligence manager, you protect employees and company assets as part of corporate security. By collecting and analyzing raw intelligence information, you could provide useful guidance to corporate leaders in all kinds of organizations. You would also generate intelligence reports that might help prevent threats to employee safety. Or you might identify competitors trying to steal trade secrets that would allow them to access your proprietary product info. A foreign country could try to duplicate your software or steal patented information so they can copy the designs to compete with you in the marketplace. Of maybe the threat comes from within. Your investigation could help determine if internal employees are selling confidential documents. Here are a few of the careers in Intelligence Management that involve planning, data collection, analysis, and processing and disseminating information:
- Research Analyst
- Business Intelligence and Analytics Manager
- Quality Assurance (QA) Data Analyst
- Software Competitive Intelligence Analyst
- Investigations Intelligence Analyst
4. Regulatory Compliance
Corporations of all types need to comply with numerous federal, state, and local regulations. As a regulatory compliance manager, you ensure that your company follows all rules regarding employee safety under Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards. You might also be involved in making sure environmental regulations are being enforced so your company is not accused of polluting the ground, air, or water. Or you could specialize in Human Resource compliance to verify your company follows Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines to ensure discrimination-free hiring practices. Compliance managers are also needed in the food industry to guarantee product safety for consumers. Some jobs in Regulatory Compliance include:
- Corporate Compliance Officer
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Compliance Manager
- Internal Control and Compliance Manager
- IT Compliance Manager
- Ethics and Compliance Analyst
- Environmental Compliance Specialist
5. Risk Management
As a risk manager, you are responsible for determining if there are any financial, safety, or security risks for a corporation. Once you discover the risks, you work to find ways to reduce or eliminate them through planning and problem solving. You might analyze the effectiveness of how risks were handled in the past and how they can be improved in the future. Your role would include making presentations to upper management on your findings with recommendations on how to reduce risks. If you obtain certification as a professional risk manager, your skills will be in even greater demand. Typical jobs in Risk Management include:
- Risk Manager or Analyst
- Model Risk Specialist
- Risk and Compliance Investigator
- Vendor Risk Assessment Analyst
- IT Risk Manager
At National American University, we offer online Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degree programs in Strategic Security, as well as two levels of certificates, that will help prepare you for a rewarding career. Do you already have some experience or a certificate in a criminal justice, military or information technology field? You may be able to transfer those credits to your degree program so you can save both time and money.
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