How to Pick the Right College Program


Deciding on what to earn your degree in can be a difficult challenge for some. Some of you may already know what you want to study or what career path you want to follow. For those of you that are unsure, below are some helpful hints on ways to help you decide on what is the best program for you.

Let’s start off with the basics…
Do you know your personality well? Are you more of a people person or do you like to keep to yourself? Some people enjoy working with numbers and others can’t stand it. First, discovering your passions and your strengths and weaknesses can be a great insight into what your major could be. You can also take different personality quizzes such as Myers Briggs or DISC training to help you discover what these traits are.

We often hear that nurses decided they wanted to get into the nursing field because they wanted to help people. A lot of our accounting or finance majors said they love working with numbers and it’s something they are good at. Some of our small business management majors stated they wanted to own their own business because they love the challenge. Maybe you have the personality where you highly value the law and you could see yourself protecting your community. 

Remember – people typically like to do things they are good at or passionate about! Your career is not a permanent thing. You can always change it and go into a different field at any time, however, you will want to choose wisely. It takes on average about 2 years to earn an associate’s degree and about 4 years to earn a bachelor’s degree.

If you are still undecided but know you want to get a degree, try thinking about a degree that’s very versatile. A lot of our management majors chose this field because they know it can be applied to various career occupations as an example. 

Another factor you can take into consideration is the job outlook or the job potential earnings. Utilizing websites like the US Bureau of Labor or Onet can provide great insight into seeing detailed information on what the job market is like for a degree you are interested in.  

Whatever you decide to do – remember it’s important to talk to your Enrollment and Completion Advisor. They are knowledgeable on the degree programs that NAU has to offer and can help you with knowing what all your options are. To see what programs we offer, please click the link below!


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