New Year’s Career Challenge – Find the Work You Love


Find the Work You Love: Combine Passion, Talent, and Opportunity

new years career

For many, the start of a new year is motivation to plan for a different future that includes making more money or getting a promotion. We challenge you to a different type of professional goal: Find a job you love and feel passionate about. As it turns out, you can love your job and still support yourself and your family. The sweet spot of passion and compensation can be found when your work involves passion, talent, and economic opportunity.

Ask Yourself These Questions to Find Passion in the New Year

  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are your talents? What activities come easily to you, or make you feel like you were “made” for them?
  • What makes economic sense? What can you make a living at, and is there a need for it?

You will succeed when you discover what answer applies to all three questions. Your career or business should be a reflection of you and what you’re willing to pour your heart into. Robert Tuchman once said, “Your passion and enthusiasm for your business has to connect to your why, be part of your own experience, and is ultimately what will make you successful.”

How Do You Find Your Sweet Spot?

  • Make a list of activities you enjoy doing. Focus on quality, not quantity here.
  • Select the activity on your list that inspires you the most.
  • Make a list (as long as you can), of all the ways you could express the talent you selected. Keep adding to this list every day.

Online Courses Give You the Background You Need to Turn Passion into Work

Suppose you love cosmetology or work as a hairstylist, but you haven’t found a salon or manager that keeps your passion alive. Maybe it’s time to work towards becoming a manager or even opening your own salon. If you’re not sure where to start, we can help you with our online Health and Beauty Management associate degree.

Especially in today’s digital age, you can create online opportunities within almost any industry. Your products and services can even be specific to your passions (as long as there is an economic opportunity). You can create an e-commerce site and/or open a business utilizing your talent. An associate degree in Small Business Management can help teach you the skills and knowledge that are essential to becoming a successful small business owner and/or manager.

New year, new career, new you. Whatever your sweet spot may be, we know you will be able to turn your passions, talent, and opportunity into a successful career. We are here to help you along the way.


Online programs for maximum flexibility
NAU students receiving transfer or experiential learning credit
Relevant degree and certificate programs
Years of online educational excellence