What is Intelligence Management?

Individuals with a desire to protect our country and support our national security may find a career in Intelligence Management to be an exciting and fulfilling option. Intelligence professionals collect information that reveals the intentions and capabilities of foreign entities that are of strategic importance. These national security professionals compile intelligence information that provides a


Why should you pursue an MBA?

If you have ever considered pursuing your MBA, you may have wondered whether it’s worth the effort. You know earning an MBA will help you advance your career, but it requires a commitment of both time and money. Will it be worth it? Here we examine how an MBA can increase your job opportunities, your


Have you considered a career in Counterterrorism?

If you are a highly motivated, disciplined individual with an interest in national security and keeping our country and its citizens safe, then perhaps you have considered a career in counterterrorism. With a job in counterterrorism, you can play a vital role in preserving the safety of our country against the kinds of threats many


Why Get a Degree in Strategic Security and Protection Management?

If you are considering pursuing a career in national security, you may be unsure of which specific field you wish to enter. Counterterrorism, intelligence management, and strategic security and protection management are all critical components in our national security. You know what counterterrorism is, you are familiar with intelligence collection and management, but what exactly


Why Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Terrorism and Counterterrorism?

For individuals who are disciplined, hard-working, and highly motivated, there are career options that will utilize your strengths, and allow you to positively contribute to our country’s security. Perhaps it is time to consider pursuing a career in Counterterrorism. Counterterrorism Professionals Keep Our Country Safe Counterterrorism professionals are active participants in preserving the safety of


Thank you to Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender

Thank you to Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender for dropping by our campus and for his interview. We appreciate your time!


Alumni Karen Brown Presents “Unlimiting Your Beliefs”

NAU alumna Karen Brown presents “Unlimiting Your Beliefs: Keys to Greater Success in Your Personal and Professional Life.”  Karen is the author of a new book by the same name (karenbrownauthor.com). She is also the CEO of Velocity Leadership Consulting, a motivational speaker, unconscious mind expert, Ironman World Championship competitor, and ultra-athlete. Click the link


The FBI, Other Federal Agencies, and Mass Shootings

Nikolas Cruz walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th, 2018, and killed 14 people, along with wounding 12 others, using an AR-15 assault-style rifle.  There is always blame passed around in the wake of such a tragic mass shooting.  The media focuses on the gun rights debate because they are the most


 National American University Announces Fall 2017 Faculty of the Quarter

Congratulations to Ms. Sharon Garrett and Dr. Claudia Oglivie! It is a great pleasure to announce National American University’s Fall 2017 Faculty of the Quarter, Ms. Sharon Garrett and Dr. Claudia Oglivie!  These outstanding members of the faculty are recognized for their significant accomplishments – inside and outside of the classroom, their ability to create a


Student Spotlight: Bonnie McBride

One of NAU’s students, Bonnie McBride, shares what motivated her to earn her degree.

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