Meet NAU Graduate, Lawrence McCall

Lawrence McCall is a working father who struggled with advancing in his career before he earned his degree. “My life prior to receiving my degree seemed an uphill battle.  I worked many years in law enforcement and gained a lot of experience but it seemed as though I was always stopped from getting promoted because


National American University Celebrates National Military Appreciation Month

Although most Americans are aware of Memorial Day and its importance in honoring men and women who died serving our country, did you know that the entire month of May is National Military Appreciation Month? National Military Appreciation Month was created to educate and create social awareness of the multi-faceted impact the military has had


Why Human Resources Is a Good Career

Have you always been told that you are a people person? You may be a good candidate for working in human resource, or HR. Virtually every company has a human resources department that handles critical tasks. Find out if a career in human resources is right for you. Skills and Characteristics of Human Resources Managers


Benefits of Earning Your Degree: An Infographic

Learn about the benefits of earning your degree from National American University in the infographic below.


Meet 2013 Gradute: Nykki Stock

A former military servicemember, Nykki earned a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management at National American University. “My life was rather incomplete without my degree. While I had an associate’s degree, I knew that I needed more as I transitioned from military life to civilian life.”  Nykki says she was given a huge opportunity to


Using Networking to Power Your Career Success

Sometimes the scariest part of your job can be the most rewarding. For a high percentage of population that hates networking, it is one of the key components that pays off to growing your business. It isn’t something that is easy or learned over night, it is something that takes repetition and determination. Getting Started


Studies Show Nurses With a BSN Degree Face Better Job Market

Nursing is an exciting, rewarding, and ever-growing profession. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for qualified nurses will continue to increase, with projected growth of 19% through 2022, much faster than average for all occupations. NAU’s nursing programs include information about evidence-based practice, research, nursing leadership, and community health practice.   A December


What Does “Traditional Student” Even Mean in America Today?

Is there such a thing as the traditional student nowadays? The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) reported on data by the marketing firm Stamats that suggested that as few as 16 percent of college students are the typical “traditional” student. By traditional, they referred to individuals between the ages of 18-22 who


Meet NAU Student, Dali Ketcham

Dali is a military wife and mother of two, pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management. “I love my family and because of that I needed to get my degree in something I love and set and an example.” Dali says pursuing her degree in Healthcare Management has already changed her life and now


What is “The American Way”? The History, Image, and Values of NAU

Did you know that NAU’s programs were originally geared towards the needs of returning veterans from World War II and the Korean Wars? Because of this, the University’s original programs were business-oriented, designed for those who wanted specialized business training once they returned from combat. The school was developed based upon the principle that everyone

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