NAU Tuition Advantage
The first day I enrolled in my Bachelor’s of Management program I can still remember thinking to myself “this is going to be a long road ahead of me.” When I signed up for my first set of classes I didn’t even want to consider the option of online. I was already a little nervous just to start college let alone try to tackle an online class.
As I started taking my ground campus classes (every night after work from 6:00- 9:00 pm three days a week) I realized online classes may not be such a bad option after all. Learning from the comfort of my own home was starting to sound more appealing compared to in a classroom for 12 hours a week. Now granted, everyone has a different learning style; for some people, they love the interaction they receive in a classroom setting where they can discuss topics more in-depth. I loved that type of interaction too don’t get me wrong; however, I was on the mission of finishing my degree as quickly as possible.
I was motivated to get my degree faster than later, however, I was sometimes forced to take fewer classes due to my financial funding. More classes meant more money and I didn’t necessarily have all the financial aid available since I was only classified as a freshman.
National American University has a solution for students who wish to take more classes. NAU understands all situations are unique and some students may not like taking multiple classes. With the NAU Tuition Advantage, you not only graduate sooner but also save money with a reduced tuition rate. If you’re like me as a student – you will love having this opportunity available to utilize!
What exactly is the Tuition Advantage?
The NAU Tuition Advantage allows certain undergraduate students to reduce their tuition cost while being able to graduate sooner. An eligible student who completes 13.5 credit hours (generally 3 classes) will receive a lower tuition rate per credit hour for that academic quarter.
An eligible student who completes all courses in an undergraduate degree program at NAU, completing at least 18 credits (generally 4 classes) each quarter, can save approximately 35% of the total tuition cost compared to a student who completes only 9 credits (generally two classes) per quarter. The more classes you take the less time it should take you to complete your degree. On average, associate degrees can take up to 2 years to complete and bachelor degrees can take up to 4 years to complete.
If you have any questions about the NAU Tuition Advantage, please reach out to us at (855) 448-2318 today!
About the author:
Kassandra Cross is the Content Marketing Specialist for National American University. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from the University of West Georgia and her Master’s degree from NAU. She has been working for National American University for over 5 years. She also runs her own crafting business via Etsy.