Student Spotlight: LaShae Johnson
LaShae Johnson started her Criminal Justice degree back in 2006. She had just been medically discharged from the Army after 6 1/2 years. She was going through a divorce and didn’t know where life was going until she walked through the doors of National American University in September 2015.
She decided that it was time to finish her degree after coming to NAU. She has three boys, and every day after a long day of work and school they would all sit at the dinner table and do homework together.
She chose NAU because every staff member was eager to help. No matter what questions she had, if they didn’t answer it right away she would still hear back from them after they looked into what the answer would be. Her biggest support at NAU is Cindy Skaggs, Brandi Dehart, and Melanie Care. They all encouraged her to not quit, whether it was an email or a call they always stayed in contact with her.
LaShae wants to get started in social work now that she finished her Criminal Justice degree. She wants to specifically work with the youth. She wants them to know that they matter even if the road they started out on was rough and rocky it’s all about how you end. The problem is not failing but getting back up.